Well, I have finished up two BIG sessions of training---my CPE and my six month internship---on pratically the same day, with great relief and triumph and excitement for the future! ("I will get my house clean and get in shape and catch up on my email and...")

And I promptly got obnoxiously, stubbornly SICK.
I descended into the cough from hell. Tickling, persistent, deep seated, exhausting. I cough and cough and cough and cough, feeling like I'm just, almost about to get at that tickling, and never quite satisfying it.

I'm exhausted!
I'm so frustrated!
Nasal congestion joined the team and brought a sore throat along.
But it's the COUGH!
Somebody just shoot me.
I guess I need to make a lot of noise, and use up lots and lots of Kleenex.
I thought I had turned the corner Friday, but I'm back at it again today and wondering how much longer it can go on? I don't want to take anti-biotics, but I will if I have to. It's starting to remind me of when I had walking pneumonia....

This is not what I wanted.
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