Worship Celebration of the Ordination of
Cameron Linen and Alison Smith Longstaff
June 26, 2009
Cameron Linen and Alison Smith Longstaff
June 26, 2009

Prelude: O Come Everyone That Thirsteth
Mendelssohn’s "Elijah"
Longstaff Family Singers
Processional Hymn
Jerusalem the Golden - p 6
(Please stand)
Opening of the Word
Responsive Call to Celebration
There are those who say that God cannot be heard,
In these times of turmoil, hopelessness and confusion
there is also justice and hope and clarity,
for the Lord is present.
There are those who say that God cannot be seen,
In the midst of anonymity, loneliness and alienation
for the Lord is present.
There are those who say that God cannot be seen,
In the midst of anonymity, loneliness and alienation
there is also community, belonging and purpose,
for the Lord is present.
There are those who say that God cannot be felt,
People who hunger for the healing love of God,
for the Lord is present.
Let us proclaim our faith in those who have heard God’s gentle voice,
Let us proclaim our confidence in those who follow God.
Let us proclaim our trust in those who have seen God.
Let us support those who step forward to serve God.
Let us rejoice that Cameron and Alison have responded
for the Lord is present.
There are those who say that God cannot be felt,
People who hunger for the healing love of God,
for the Lord is present.
Let us proclaim our faith in those who have heard God’s gentle voice,
Let us proclaim our confidence in those who follow God.
Let us proclaim our trust in those who have seen God.
Let us support those who step forward to serve God.
Let us rejoice that Cameron and Alison have responded
to God’s call and have come before us for our blessings
and the blessings of the Lord; for the Lord is present.
This is My Father’s World- p 7
(Please Stand)
A Call to the Faithful
and the blessings of the Lord; for the Lord is present.
This is My Father’s World- p 7
(Please Stand)
A Call to the Faithful
The spirit of God has sent us to bring good news to the oppressed,
To bind up the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners,
To comfort all who mourn,
To give them a garland instead of ashes,
The oil of gladness instead of mourning,
The mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit.
They shall build up the ancient ruins,
they shall raise up the former devastations,
the devastations of many generations.
You shall be named ministers of our God.
The Word and The Call
Matthew 25: 34-40
Welcoming the Stranger
Alison Smith Longstaff
Wyrd Sisters
Convention Chorus of Women
Philippians 2: 1-4
Doing the Work
Cameron Linen
Affirmation of Faith
We believe in God, The Creator, The Christ, The Light of the World whose eternal spirit moved upon the face of the waters at the beginning, and moves within us now. To a world in darkness the Eternal Light became one of us, transcended every human frailty, overcame the hells, restored the balance of the spiritual world and saved humanity. Today the Lord comes to us anew in the spiritual understanding of the Word. With its enlightenment and renewal of life, this disclosure is the Second Coming in Spirit, making possible a new and larger life as we love God and love the good which comes from God in all people. So far as we honor the Lord in worship and in life as the visible God in whom is the invisible Divine, we walk in the light of the Holy City, New Jerusalem. Amen.
Pastoral Prayer
Lord’s Prayer
OUR CREATOR, You are within us and all around us. Your spirit enters us in every breath. We honor Your holy names. We celebrate Your presence and the coming of Your Wisdom Unfolding from the depths within us, Your will is done. Each day You freely offer us all that we need. You show us our weaknesses and help us to overcome them. You give us the courage to act in love and wisdom. For You are the dwelling place of all people, the empowering guide and the joy of life itself now and forever. Amen.
Soon Love Soon
Vienna Tang
Longstaff Family Singers, Marcia Smith, soloist
Presentation of the Candidates
Doctrine of the Church
Essentials of the Church
Faith of the Church
The Inquiry
President: Alison and Cameron you now stand before this faithful assembly who love and trust you. In the depth of your heart do you believe that Divine Providence has led you to minister to all those that are a part of the New Jerusalem?
Ordinands: I do so believe I have been called by name and led to this place.
Congregation: We honor you and the journey that has brought you here.
Minister: Do you declare your commitment and faithfulness to the Lord, the Divine Word and the heavenly teachings of the New Jerusalem as unfolded in the writings by Emanuel Swedenborg?
Ordinands: I do so declare they are a lamp unto my feet and a light upon my path.
Congregation: The Light of heaven shines upon your path.
President: Is it your desire to be ordained as minister of the New Church that you would lead as priest, prophet, teacher, and pastor; humbly opening your heart to the Lord as the Source of all truth, love and power?
Ordinands: I do so desire to be ordained into the ministry, that with the Lord’s help I shall fulfill my calling to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God.
ALL: We will walk with you.
Laying on of Hands
Ministerial Grace
Presentation of the Tokens of Ordination
Charge to Ordinands
President Christine Laitner
Hymn of Blessing
Canticle of the Turning
Rory Cooney
Convention Choir and Congregation
Closing of the Word
Rev Cameron Linen and Rev. Alison Smith Longstaff
Ode to Joy
arr. A.V. Fedak
Hallelujah Chorus
George F. Handel

Reverend Andrew Stinson
Ordaining Minister
Ms. Christine Laitner
President of Convention
Rev. Ken Turley, Worship Coordinator
Laurie Turley, Convention Choirmaster
The Convention Choir
The Longstaff Family Singers
Convention Chorus of Women
Ms. Bet Giddings, Accompanist
Laying on of Hands
For Cameron Linen
Rev. Wilma Wake – mentor
Rev. Ken Turley - mentor
For Alison S. Longstaff
Pat Tukos - advisor
Rev. John Maine – mentor
Phil Longstaff – representing the whole family
Vida Jaugelis –Lutheran classmate
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