many of us feel a sense of broken-heartedness or disappointment in ourselves
for all the times we’ve tried
But imagine if every experience that you've had until
now led you right here into this perfect moment? What if it is all perfect? What if it is not--- as many of our
subconscious beliefs think--- that it is your fault, or you’re just not good
enough, or you’ll never figure it out, or you’re doomed, or whatever tape you
play in the darkest recesses of your mind; what if that is all a lie? What if all of those beliefs and all of that
evidence that we’ve stacked up against ourselves is just not true?" - Kristen Morelli

And I choose to show up in this moment with the freshness and curiosity and hope of a child.
All I can do is my best in this moment, and I certainly do better when I release my backlog of disappointments and my stories of failure and my fear of being hurt and disappointed.
I call on the Spirit, or Divine Goodness, or God, or Higher Power, or my angels, or the love of my friends, or whatever there is that surrounds me with innocence and goodness; and I draw strength and hope and OPEN MY HEART AGAIN to life.
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