Well, I'm home from the "Gathering Leaves" event in England. It was wonderful. I took absolutely no pictures, and am hoping that the many pictures my friends took will find their way to me eventually.

At the Newark airport, I looked up and rubbed my eyes to see dear
friends Paul and Beryl Simonetti waiting for the same flight to England. After some mutual astonishment, we happily settled down together. Their seats ended up being right behind mine on the (packed and cramped) flight. They generously allowed me to share their rental car for the drive from Birmingham airport, and poor Paul patiently endured our cries of "turn here!" and "Close on the left!" and "Don't stop; we have the right of way!" etc. as we careened down the left side of the road and perilously
navigated the high-speed round-abouts. (I think God creates special guardian angels just for foreign drivers on English soil.)

Purley Chase was wonderful, and I highly recommend it as a low-cost, warm, centrally located spring-off point for touring central England. Anne is a trained chef, and the food was fantastic. Purley also runs many spiritual retreats, and hosts events for reasonable rates. It is near Stratford and Warwick Castle, and many other sights. Tell them Alison Longstaff sent you.

I am now jet-lagged, and feeling much older than I am, but the trip was worth it.
With luck, more about the actual event later, with pictures.
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