The opposite of love is not hate, it is FEAR.
The opposite of love is not hate, it is fear.
Think about Love.
Love opens us up. It creates warmth, expansiveness, trust, and generousity. It gives without holding back. Its whole intention is to give happiness and blessedness, relief and comfort to another. It shows up without fear or reservation. It is exemplified in the life of Jesus (among others), giving without reserve, giving everything, even one's very life.
Now think about fear.
Fear shuts us down and closes us up. Fear pulls inward, retracts, and withholds. Fear rejects, invalidates, minimizes, and turns its back. At best, fear shutters the windows, locks the door, and hangs out the "Closed" sign. At worst it attacks.
So why do we so often choose fear over love?
Why do we withhold love from one another?
Why do we withhold resources, service, respect, and privileges?
Honestly? Why?
Why do we create class systems everywhere we go? (Don't kid yourself, North America has classes, and yes, we are ranked worthy or unworthy based on our status---primarily based on wealth.)
What are we so afraid of?
Honestly, there is PLENTY to go around on this planet, but the resources are all squirreled up and held by a handful of people to the detriment of many. And the less we think there is, the more we all withhold. And the more we all withhold, the less there is.
God has more than enough love and we all come from God, but somehow we choke love off so there isn't enough to go around. Why do we do that?
FEAR is sometimes given the Acronym, False Evidence Appearing Real.
While fear can serve some very good purposes, it also can be a treacherous ally. It shuts down life in the name of safety.
Where there is generosity, there is bounty. Period. When ALL are generous, there is bounty.
But when we are all stuck believing that there isn't enough, we all start withholding and stockpiling. It is FALSE that there is not enough.
And if I'm holding onto mine until you let go of yours, we will never get anywhere.
We have all suffered from the withholding of love. We see suffering everywhere from the withholding of resources (medical services, adequate support, education, you name it). We have all suffered.
When will we decide that there is more than enough and start opening up the floodgates again? For if I give freely to you, will you not relax and begin to give freely too?
Open the floodgates!

Just some thoughts, borne of frustration.
So why do we so often choose fear over love?
Why do we withhold love from one another?
Why do we withhold resources, service, respect, and privileges?
Honestly? Why?
Why do we create class systems everywhere we go? (Don't kid yourself, North America has classes, and yes, we are ranked worthy or unworthy based on our status---primarily based on wealth.)
What are we so afraid of?
Honestly, there is PLENTY to go around on this planet, but the resources are all squirreled up and held by a handful of people to the detriment of many. And the less we think there is, the more we all withhold. And the more we all withhold, the less there is.

FEAR is sometimes given the Acronym, False Evidence Appearing Real.
While fear can serve some very good purposes, it also can be a treacherous ally. It shuts down life in the name of safety.
Where there is generosity, there is bounty. Period. When ALL are generous, there is bounty.
But when we are all stuck believing that there isn't enough, we all start withholding and stockpiling. It is FALSE that there is not enough.
And if I'm holding onto mine until you let go of yours, we will never get anywhere.
We have all suffered from the withholding of love. We see suffering everywhere from the withholding of resources (medical services, adequate support, education, you name it). We have all suffered.

Open the floodgates!

Just some thoughts, borne of frustration.
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